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The species in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+5Posted:2020-06-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: speciessubspeciesinterspeciesintraspeciesendangered speciesspeciein specieespecial
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(121) This image shows the species of clusterwink snail, Hinea brasiliana, producing light using a phenomenon known as bioluminescence.
(122) The species densities on shrubby and herbaceous layers are both influenced by altitude and organic matter content.
(123) The types of vegetation and the changes of the biodiversity were studied by investigating the species diversity of rubber forest in different age class.
(124) The species in the broader ( higher ) sense is known as an aggregate.
(125) Compared with Picea likiangensis var. linzhiensis community, the species diversity of Cupressus gigantea community was lower.
(126) Squid, scallops, live abalone, kelp, offshore tuna, yellow fish oil are several advantages of the species.
(127) The effects of dilution on the coagulation performance of polysilicate iron coagulant and the species distribution of iron and silica in the said coagulant are evaluated.
(128) Conclusion The species of Sarcophagidae in Shanxi province make up 36.3% of Sarcophagidae known in China, also 3.9% of those in the world.
(129) Several other illnesses, including Crohn's disease and some cancers, have been linked to imbalances in the species of bacteria that live in our guts.
(130) The paper studied and investigated the species of the thrips in alfalfa in the mid of Shaanxi province.
(131) Application of the anatomical characters of leaves for classifying the species of Manglietia.
(132) The induced charge is equal to the average valency of the species occupying the cation sublattice.
(133) Objective to discuss the difference for the species of staphylococcal infection and drug resistance.
(134) The species belongs to DM - H Pattern , hardly occurs in NW Yunnan.
(135) The species that make up natural ecosystems usually display a wide range of genetic variability.
(136) Conclusion The seasonal fluctuation of R. flavipectus and the species composition of parasitical fleas were clear. The host animal and Xenopsylla cheopis should be controled.
(137) Thus, both the name and the definition of the species are predicable of the individual.
(138) California redwood dwarfs members of the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, who are working to replicate the biggest and best of the species, the tallest living things. More Photos ?
(139) The water pollution and eutrophication were judged by the assessment of hydrobiology with the species and quantity measure and analysis of phytoplankton, zooplankton, bottom dwelling biology and fish.
(140) Objective: To investigate the species, the distribution and the utilization of the medicinal plants from Selaginellaceae in Hubei Province.
(141) The species is characterized by its long and lanceolate leaflets with undulate teeth.
(142) Objective To identify the species of biological samples by amplifying intron 8 of the TP 53 gene.
(143) And the same time, neither erythema, swelling nor the allergic reaction in skin of guinea-pig were found by the species.
(144) BE a local scale biggest, the species most well-found factory house.
(145) Organisms other than cyanobacteria, such as the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, also produce hydrogen at similar rates, says Olaf Kruse of Bielefeld University in Germany, who works with the species.
(146) The species is the high oil duck[ species.html], people centralize the individual and do group feeding to breed.
(147) The species of mesophyte are the most of ecological type of water and those of xerophyte take 7.51%. The volcanic landform has a profound influence on plant diversity.
(148) Yah, ridiculous when the alternative is to simply kiss the species goodbye.
(149) In the soil, the species diversity index of germinative seed declined gradually with increasing soil depth.
(150) The life form functional group component of diversity was a greater determinant of the ecosystem processes than the species component of diversity.
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